
“Keep Clear. Stay Safe.”  Campaign

Program Description

Metrolink, Southern California’s premier regional passenger rail system, would appreciate your support in airing its new radio public service announcements (PSAs). The PSAs were produced to educate the public about interacting safely with railroad tracks and trains.

Each year, vehicle trespasser and pedestrian incidents along railroads change the course of innocent lives, from train operators and passengers to families and first responders. It is important to be alert when approaching crossings, do not walk on or beside the tracks, and never drive or walk around lowered gates.

These 30-second PSAs, available in English and Spanish, remind listeners that trespassing is dangerous and illegal. More information can be found at

Campaign Mission
  • Educate Southern Californians about interacting safely with railroad tracks and trains
  • Prevent further accidents along railroads
  • Provide a website with more information at


Metrolink – PSN Radio

“Keep Clear. Stay Safe.” :30 English PSA
Download the Radio PSA via Dropbox:


Metrolink – PSN Radio

“Keep Clear. Stay Safe.” :30 Spanish PSA
Download the Radio PSA via Dropbox: