Operation Lifesaver – Train and Rail Safety Education
“Find the Blue and White ENS Signs” Campaign
Evergreen (no expiration date)
Program Description: Operation Lifesaver (OLI) PSAs serve to educate drivers about the proper steps to take when stuck on a railroad crossing, which include locating the blue and white Emergency Notification System (ENS) sign. This campaign supports OLI’s core mission to reduce collisions, fatalities and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings. OLI is asking for your support by airing these PSAs to educate the public about rail safety and prevent future incidents. The PSAs end with a call-to-action: visit www.oli.org to learn more.
Campaign Mission:
- Educate viewers about what to do when stuck on a railroad crossing
- Emphasize the importance of the blue and white ENS sign
- Provide a website with useful information and resources about rail safety at www.oli.org